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Own Merit CIC

Co-founded and directed by Darryn Frost and Steve Gallant, Own Merit CIC is a social enterprise that provides resettlement support to prison leavers who would otherwise be homeless.

 <img alt> Steve Gallant and Darryn Frost <img source='pic.gif' alt='Accurate and descriptive keyword text that represents the image'. />
Cooking Lunch with Own Merit

At Own Merit CIC, we are dedicated to providing safe supported accommodation, tailored training and purposeful placements for prison leavers.



We provide homeless prison leavers with essential support and security to help rebuild their lives. We offer a home, food, clothes, shelter and a community of support, so that individuals can feel safe and stable and begin the process of reintegration.



We take an asset-based approach, evaluating prisoners on their own merit and creating a plan to help support successful reintegration into society. We offer interpersonal and job-related training through education, vocational courses and volunteering, helping them regain the confidence and skills needed to progress successfully.



Working alongside partners, we strive to remove the stigma and barriers that ex-prisoner face when seeking employment. We focus on finding meaningful, fulfilling and successful placements in order to help people become self-sufficient and prepare them for healthier, crime-free future.

Prison leaver on bike.
Community member jogging.
Housing for prison leavers at Own Merit.
Carpentry Work through Own Merit.
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